Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Development of Postal System Traced

Amsterdam Evening Recorder
July 20, 1906

The Hann Homestead Inn in Andover, N.Y.

        The  Hann Homestead Inn (bed and breakfast) along Route 417 west of Andover, N.Y. was built by Simeon Hann in 1840. Born in Oxford, Conn. in 1811, he came to Andover with his family in 1837. He lived in a log cabin until he built this house three years later of lumber he cut in his own sawmill nearby.  He was a farmer by occupation. The 17-room house is 40 feet long facing the road and 28 feet wide.
      Downstairs there are five bedrooms, a combined kitchen and dining-room, one large living room, a parlor, and an entrance hall at the end where a narrow winding stairway leads to the second floor. Upstairs there is a large sitting room, and six bedrooms off the hallway. Adjoining the house in the rear is a large woodshed 32 feet long and 28 feet wide which was kept well supplied with wood throughout the year.
     During severe winters up to 75 full cords of wood heated the house.  Two large fireplaces on the ground floor are built back to back in the middle of the house. A single chimney serves these fireplaces.  Originally there were three fireplaces downstairs and one upstairs.  Later the upstairs fireplace was removed.  The irons which were used to hold the kettles for cooking and the spear used for testing the meat roasting over the fire still remain.
   Somewhat peculiar is the fact that the chimney was built first and is not attached to the house proper except where fireplaces made it necessary.  One could crawl through the attic on a a ladder attached to the chimney and work his way down to repair it. 
   Double porches extend the full length of the house.  The 10-over-10 pane windows reflect the vintage of the house. Some of the boards used in construction of the house are 24 inches wide. 
   The cellar was kept stocked with  barrels of pork, beef and large quantities of staple food.  Wheat was raised on the farm and taken to Dansville to be ground into flour. It was kept in room upstairs over the kitchen.  On these trips back and forth to Dansville Mr. Hann drove a team of oxen, leaving at 3 a.m. and returning late at night.
  The reason the house was so large was Hann and his wife, Rachel, had 10 children. The spacious bedrooms were arranged around the outside edges of the house.  Each was furnished with a head-high “clothes rail” where hooks were inserted on which to hang clothing. 
    By the time he died in 1876 at the age of 65.,  Simeon was a comparatively wealthy man for his day, being worth $60,000.  His farm had grown to 600 acres. His youngest son, Adelbert remained at home to care for his mother.  In 1884 he married Eliza Updyke and she remained there until her death in 1955. Then her daughter Rachel remained there until her death in 1958. Her son, Victor lived there until 1961. Then the property was purchased by Harold Ford of Andover. His idea was to fix it up and convert it into an inn.  The idea never materialized.
  Then Henry Argentieri of Hornell purchased it with the same idea and nothing happened. Later Mr. and Mrs. David B. Herr purchased the property and have made it their home. It is now owned by Barbara Rechenberg, a descendant of the Hann family, and her husband, Kurt.
  Since this house is very old there are many stories associated with it. It is believed it was a stagecoach stop. Folklore has it that this house was a stop on the Underground Railroad, to move slaves from the south to the north. Many members of this pioneer family are buried in the nearby Hann Cemetery.

                          The Hann Homestead now has a new lease on life
                          as a bed and breakfast.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Syracuse a Stagecoach Town

Onondaga Gazette
February 11, 1824
    In order to inform our distant readers of the public travel through this place, we are informed as a fact that on Wednesday last, the passengers in the stages passing through here amounted to between sixty and seventy, averaging from nine to eleven for each state. The lines of stages now through this village, consist of the old and new lines from Albany and Utica, east, and from Buffalo and Canandaigua, west; which pass daily. In addition to this, the Cherry Valley mail line also passes every day, east and west, Sundays excepted.

    Also a new line of stages has recently been established from Sacket’s Harbor to this place, running three times a week. There is not a place in the western district, perhaps, where public travel has increased to such an extent, as through our flourishing village; and the rapid growth of the place, and extensive works for the manufacture of coarse shalt seems to excite the admiration and elicit praise of all who view them. We think we hazard nothing in saying, that, from the peculiar advantages of our village, it must become a place of importance and worthy the attention of the enterprising emigrants who wish to locate in a growing place of business; and particularly inviting to honest and industrious mechanics.

Arriving in Style at Lake George

Four and six-horse teams were a common sight when guests of Fort William Henry Hotel spent the whole summer at Lake George.

Death of Isaac Sherwood (Canandaigua Messenger, December 9, 1947)

edge - the knowledge of men and things. He retained his
reason to the last moment of his existence, and died in the
hope of an interest in the Redeemer.
(Note: He is buried in Skaneateles.)

Stagecoach and Tavern Days in Canandaigua

Canandaigua Daily Messenger
December 9, 1947


Stagecoach Driver Tells of Old Days

Syracuse Herald
July 15, 1911

Reminiscences of Stagecoach Days

From the Syracuse Herald
April 1, 1930


                    Driver Fred Cunningham out on the road with a big crowd of passengers.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Stagecoach to New Woodstock

Chittenango Herald
August 23, 1831

                Chittenango and New Woodstock Stage
    Leaves Chittenango every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on the arrival of the Pilot Coach from Utica; passes through Cazenovia, and arrives at New Woodstock in time for the Ithaca Stage.       
    Leaves New Woodstock, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, immediately on the arrival of the Stage from Ithaca; so that passengers will arrive at Chittenango ion time to take the stages for Utica.
   For Seats, apply to the subscriber in Chittenango; C.Hitchcock, Cazenovia, or David Smith, New Woodstock.
                       A Daily Line
Will be run from Chittenango landing, to Cazenovia and back, every day, (Sunday excepted.)
    N.B. All Baggage at the risk of the owner.
                            THOMAS LIVINGSTON.
   March 1, 1831           

Getting to Norwich 'By Stages'

(From the Chittenango Herald, April 6, 1831)

Stage Line from Chittenango to Homer

Onondaga Register, Syracuse, N.Y.
January 26, 1825

    New line of Stages. - A new line of Stages has recently been established, to run three times a week, from Chittenango, by way of Cazenovia and Homer, to Ithaca. From the well known characters of the proprietors, Mr. E. Cary, of Chittenango, and Mr. P. Westerman, of Homer, the public may freely upon regularity and good accommodations, and we hope they will be amply remunerated for their exertions.

Chittenango Stage-House For Sale

Chittenango Herald
November 21, 1831 

                 For Sale
    The subscriber being desirous to withdraw from the Tavern-keeping business, now offers his stand for sale. It is situated about the centre of the flourishing village of Chittenango, directly opposite the canal basin, and near the stopping place of the contemplated  railroad from the south, which is now surveying. Its location for business is good, and has now a fine run of business.
    The house is large and convenient, with two large barns adjacent, one for stage business and the other for use of traveling custom, sheds, a wood-house, smoke-house, ice-house, and other houses necessary to be attached to a public house. Also, two gardens, a fine and thrifty orchard, with various kinds of choicest grafted fruit.
    It is needless giving an estimate of the business now doing, or the number of stopping, passing, and re-passing daily, as persons wishing to purchase will in all probability call and examine for themselves.
    Terms. - One half of the purchase money to be paid down, and a liberal credit will be given for the remained.
                                  THOMAS LIVINGSTON.
OCTOBER 5, 1831.                                                       33


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Stagecoach Accident in Camillus

Onondaga Standard
Wednesday, June 12, 1836

    We are informed by a gentleman from Camillus, that a somewhat serious accident happened near that village on  Monday  evening buy the upsetting of a Stage Coach belonging to the Telegraph line. The driver and some of the passengers were much injured, and two seriously - S. Townsend, of Cornwall, Orange Co. and Mr. Brotherson, attorney at law, of Monroe, Michigan - both of whom were badly bruised and cut about the head and face.
    They had so far recovered, however, as to be able to remove to this place yesterday. The particular causes of the accident we did not learn.

Saturday, January 7, 2017