Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
Stagecoach to Nowhere
July 21, 1851
New Stage Route - Norwich to Utica
A stage leaves Norwich every morning at 5 o’clock (except Sundays) for Utica and Richfield Springs, via South New Berlin, New Berlin, Edmeston, Brookfield and Bridgewater, arriving at Utica at 3 1/2 P.M., and always in time for the Express Train that runs to the evening boat at Albany. Arrives at Richfield Springs at 4 P.M. Plank Road from New Berlin to Utica, upon which a Post Coach runs 6 to 8 miles an hour. At New Berlin this line connects with a daily line to Butternuts, Oneonta, Franklin, Walton, Mt. Upton, Bainbridge and Deposit; and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with a line to Burlington, Cooperstown and Delhi.
Returning, leaves Utica at 8 1/2 A.M. arriving at Bridgewater at 12 Noon, New Berlin at 4 P.M. and Norwich at 7 P.M.
The Proprietors hope, by attention to the comfort of passengers and by fast driving, to get a share of the travel.
Try our route and see. None but careful, sober and attentive Drivers will be employed on the above route, and passengers are requested to report any improper conduct of any Driver. Ladies, traveling alone, will have proper attention paid to themselves and baggage.
Fare from Norwich to Utica, same as by any other route. For seats, apply at Hickok’s Hotel, Norwich and General Stage Office, Utica.
July 21, 1851 William D. Knapp,
John Williams, Proprietors