Wednesday, December 1, 2021

'Western Stage' on the Cherry Valley Turnpike

 Cazenovia Pilot, October 12, 1814

Western Stage


By Cherry Valley, Cazenovia,

    Manlius, Cooperstown &


   Leaves Albany for Cherry Valley, every day (Sunday excepted) at 5 A.M. Leaves Cherry Valley Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 P.M. Lodged at Richfield; leaves Richfield Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 A.M. Dinner at Manlius, Lodges at Onondaga. The Stage leaves Onondaga for the west every day.

   Leaves Cherry Valley Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 P.M. for Cooperstown; Leaves Cooperstown on Friday for Oxford.


    Leaves Manlius Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arrives at Albany the same day, Leave Oxford every Saturday at 2 P.M. and arrive at Cooperstown on Sunday.

   The Proprietors of the Cherry Valley line have formed a connection with the Utica and Canandaigua Company, at Manlius, and should that line be full, there is an Extra at Manlius for the express purpose of conveyance to any part of the line.

   Usual allowance of Baggage, 125 lbs. equal to a passenger; all surplus baggage to be paid for, and at the risk of the owner.

    BOOKS kept art Cande’s Connecticut Coffee-House, Court  Street, Albany.







Friday, November 19, 2021

Stagecoach Service Out of Oswego in 1838

 Oswego County Whig

May 23, 1838 

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. - Speed increased, fare reduced, and no detention on the route.The mail stage leaves Oswego for Utica (76 miles) every morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives in time for the railroad cars for Albany. Fare, $2.50.

   Leaves for Rochester (75 miles) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 4 o’clock. Fare, $2.50. Making this the cheapest and most expeditious route to Rochester, Niagara Falls and Upper Canada.

   Leaves for Auburn, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 8 o’clock, and arrives at Weedsport in time for the western packets, and at Auburn in time for the stages to Seneca Falls, Geneva, Canandaigua, &c., also in time for the stage to Ithaca, &c.

   Extras furnished on the arrival of the afternoon boats for Utica in time for the morning cars for Albany; also for Rochester, Auburn or elsewhere.

   All baggage at the risk of the owners, unless by special contract.

                                                                       JOHN F. STORRS, Proprietor

H. Wager, Agent, at the Welland House, or at the Oswego Hotel.

Oswego, May 7, 1838. -19tf.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Stagecoach Line Between Oswego and Rome

   Oswego Daily Commercial Times, July 1, 1851

Friday, September 24, 2021

Stagecoach Line Between Oswego and Syracuse

Oswego County Whig

October 8, 1839

RAIL-ROAD LINE OF Post Coaches between Oswego and Syracuse

   Through in six hours. Coaches will be in readiness at the Steam-Boat Landing in Oswego, on the arrival of the morning Steamboats from Lewiston, to convey passengers to Syracuse in time for the afternoon cars for Albany.

   Returning, leaves Syracuse on the arrive of the morning cars fro  Albany, and arrive at Oswego in time for the Steamboat-boats for Lewiston and Buffalo.

   Passengers, by taking this route, can leave Buffalo at 9 o’clock in the morning; a d at 12 M., and arrive in Oswego early next morning, and in New York in the afternoon of the second day from Buffalo.


   Oswego, July 16, 1839. - 29 4w.            Proprietors.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Canal and Stagecoach Advertisement

 Rochester Democrat, June 6, 1851

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Palmyra -Canandaigua Stagecoach Line

 Wayne Sentinel, Palmyra, January 12, 1827

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Early Stagecoach Schedule

New York Spectator, July 18, 1825


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Coe Stagecoach Line


Chauncey H. and Bela D. Coe operated the western division of the “Old Line Mail” of stagecoaches between Canandaigua and Buffalo. Shortly after Chauncey’s death in 1835, Bela sold the business to Benjamin Rathbun.