Friday, November 19, 2021

Stagecoach Service Out of Oswego in 1838

 Oswego County Whig

May 23, 1838 

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. - Speed increased, fare reduced, and no detention on the route.The mail stage leaves Oswego for Utica (76 miles) every morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives in time for the railroad cars for Albany. Fare, $2.50.

   Leaves for Rochester (75 miles) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 4 o’clock. Fare, $2.50. Making this the cheapest and most expeditious route to Rochester, Niagara Falls and Upper Canada.

   Leaves for Auburn, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 8 o’clock, and arrives at Weedsport in time for the western packets, and at Auburn in time for the stages to Seneca Falls, Geneva, Canandaigua, &c., also in time for the stage to Ithaca, &c.

   Extras furnished on the arrival of the afternoon boats for Utica in time for the morning cars for Albany; also for Rochester, Auburn or elsewhere.

   All baggage at the risk of the owners, unless by special contract.

                                                                       JOHN F. STORRS, Proprietor

H. Wager, Agent, at the Welland House, or at the Oswego Hotel.

Oswego, May 7, 1838. -19tf.