Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oswego and Rochester Stage

Oswego Free Press

Tuesday, November 6, 1833

                               OSWEGO AND ROCHESTER
   NEW LINE OF MAIL STAGES. - The Stage for Rochester will leave Oswego every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. They will also leave, the same days, for Pulaski, intersecting the Watertown and Sacketts Harbour Stages. - The above line is furnished with first rate Horses and Coaches, Stage sleighs, &c. For SEATS, apply at the Welland House. - All Baggage at the risk of the owners.
                                                                     L. SICKELS, AGENT
   Oswego, Feb. 20, 1833

Oswego County Whig
June 5, 1844

   SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1844 - Rochester & Oswego Mail Stage through three times a week. - Leaving the General Stage Office, under the Welland Houe, Oswego, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at 6 o'clock, passing through the villages of Little Sodus, Red Creek, Wolcott, Huron, Port Glasgow, Alton, Big Sodus, Williamson, Ontario, Webster and West Penfield, arriving at Rochester at 9 the same day. Leave the Stage Office, under the Eagle Hotel, at Rochester, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at 6 o'clock and arrives at Oswego at 9 the same day.
    The subscribers, having become proprietors of the above route, have procured  First Rate teams, and fitted up entirely new and First Rate Coaches, and are prepared to carry passengers over this road with safety and the utmost despatch, and pledge themselves that no attention will be wanting on their part the comfort and convenience of those who may favor them with their patronage.
WEST & MERRILL, Proprietors, Wolcott.
Wolcott, May 1, 1844.