Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mail Contracts Awarded

Onondaga Register
December 17, 1828

    Mail Contracts. - The Post Master General has renewed the contracts for carrying the mail from Albany to Buffalo, on several other important routes which intersect the great western thoroughfare between these places, with Messrs. Parker, Sherwood & Coe. Some of these men have been mail contractors ever since the route was established. Mr. Parker carried the first western mail from Albany to Utica on foot, and to his exertions and those who have been associated with him, are the public indebted for the unparalleled expedition with which the principal mails are now transported in this state.

Post Roads in 1825

Onondaga Register
June 22, 1825

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fast Moving Stagecoaches

Onondaga Register
August 9, 1815

    The line of Stages from Albany to Manlius, via Cherry Valley, is again extended to Canandaigua, and performed the whole distance, 200 miles, in two days, arriving at Canandaigua three times a week.  The old mail line via Utica, will  perform the route from Albany to Geneva in two days. The distance from Albany to Geneva, via Utica, is about the same as from Albany to Canandaigua, by Cherry Valley.

Onondaga Gazette
Wed., Sept. 18, 1816